About us

Florence Baranger
Founder of Inventarium, a company dedicated to the cataloging and management of art collections and libraries, Florence has a Master in Cultural Management (Universidad de San Andrés) and is an editor and translator.
As a curator, she has participated in numerous exhibitions for more than twenty years, among the most recent Rapsodias (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, 2023) and Malvinas/MMMM (Casa de la Cultura del Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, 2023). Some of her latest publications are Malvinas: paisaje y memoria. Una mirada desde las artes visuales (Inventarium, 2022), Cuisine de Chefs (Lucullus, 2022), Jacques Bedel. Una cierta arquitectura (Inventarium, 2020) and Jacques Bedel. Obra política (Inventarium, 2023).

Ariadna González Naya
She has a degree in Arts Management and History. Ariadna coordinates the Public Art circuit at Puertos Escobar, is curator of the Banco Supervielle collection, and professor of Cultural Projects at the Universidad del Salvador. She is dedicated to the management of artist’s and collector’s archives in Inventarium, as well as to the production of exhibitions and publications of Argentine artists. She has worked in institutions such as Gamec in Bergamo (Italy), Fundación Proa in Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Fundación arteBA.
She has published several articles in the Arts supplement of the Ámbito Financiero newspaper.

Sofía Pomar
She studied Literature and Library Science and Documentation at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
She was librarian of the Academia Nacional de Geografía and of the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, MALBA.
With her independent publishing label, she launched the books Actitud Buenos Aires, Actitud Unplugged, Actitud Argentina and Ideal Buenos Aires; she participated in book editions for third parties and collaborated in editorial and cultural projects as Petit Mermoz Illustré (Fondation Culturelle Franco-Argentine Jean Mermoz, 2019) and Somos nosotros Diccionario argentino de economía y política (Willy Kohan, Sudamericana, 2023).
She is currently engaged in the organization of private libraries.